Tooth loss is a very serious oral health problem that can affect people from all walks of life. Not only does tooth loss ruin a person’s appearance, but it can make simple tasks like chewing and speaking a major chore. If the problem is left untreated, it can lead to even worse issues such as facial structure loss, jawbone deterioration, bite imbalances and dangerous tooth shifts. When tooth loss is severe, one of the most effective solutions is to replace an entire row of top or bottom teeth with natural-looking dentures, and fixed dentures are perhaps the best option available.
Fixed dentures use four to six titanium dental implants to support a complete row of prosthetic teeth. These implants are surgically inserted into the jawbone in order to provide outstanding support for their new teeth. Once applied, fixed dentures cannot be taken out of the mouth in any way, except through oral surgery. Since the implants provide the same functions as natural tooth roots, people who have received fixed dentures say that their new teeth feel much like natural teeth. Many of our patients cannot even tell the difference. Best of all, as the titanium implants begin to fuse with the jawbone, the dentures will begin to feel even more natural over time.
Not only do our fixed dentures perform tremendously well, they also look extremely natural. Dr. Halabo and his team take great pride in restoring the look of a person’s smile with fixed dentures, and we believe you will be thrilled with the results. After all, these are more than just dentures; they’re your brand-new smile, and once you see your new teeth, you will leave our office eager to show your new smile off to everyone you can.
Because of their unrivaled performance and astoundingly natural feel, fixed dentures are quite simply the gold standard for teeth replacement. When cared for and maintained properly, a set of fixed dentures will last a lifetime, and you can care for them just as easily as natural teeth. With all of this in mind, fixed dentures are strongly recommended for anyone who wants a complete and permanent solution for tooth loss.
Dr. Halabo has been named a top dentist for 15 consecutive years! If you would like to learn more about fixed dentures, please call us at (619) 427-0810 to schedule an appointment.